Give Thanks When God Is Silent

Thank God for His silence, for His delay, for His leaving you in anticipation of His next move. The burden of knowing His thoughts, His ways, is too much for you. His thoughts are too heavy for you. They could crush you. He will give you what you can carry, what you can handle. Wait for Me to bring to you what comes next. Don’t carry it in the form of worry or despair. Release the future to Him (He holds it in His hand anyway) and thank Him for the silence.

Waiting for the Command

Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Know you are in God’s presence and following His direction, His pillar of fire. His path is set before you. Sometimes though the command is to wait, to stay put, to ‘set up the tabernacle’ and worship, just be before Him. Other times there are commands to work, but there come commands to rest as well. Paul worked tirelessly, but he fellowshiped with others, maintained relationships and obeyed. There were years of learning, waiting before all that began. If you never stop, you will never learn, and then God will never call you into action.

Note: Paul was a Christian for 14 years before he made a convert; there were “eleven silent years.”